Crochet Poppy with Gaynor White

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Crochet Poppy with Gaynor White


Gaynor White demonstrates how to crochet a Three Petalled Poppy Brooch, ready for Remembrance Day.

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Using Chunky Yarn and a size 4 hook Gaynor White shows a quick and easy method for crocheting a poppy.

These simple to follow instructions and handy tips are ideal for beginners to crochet.

Utilising half trebles, chains and slip stitches this 3 petal poppy grows quickly. Adding a leaf to your poppy couldn’t be simpler Gaynor shows us how to crochet a beautiful leaf. Finally completing the brooch by adding a button and a clip.

Resulting in a superb Poppy Brooch anyone would be proud to wear.

Workshop notes are available for subscribed members.

If you are more of a knitter here is a knitted poppy you can try.

For projects from Gaynor White check out her pattern designs on Ravelry

Check out the community crochet group Gaynor runs called The Barkham Hookers. 



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