Meet Sallieann Harrison- Patchwork Tutor and Quilter

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Meet Sallieann Harrison- Patchwork Tutor and Quilter

Sallieann loves handwork and using the sewing machine with an interest in wool applique by machine.

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Sallieann joins us in the studio and shows Valerie some of the work she likes to share as a tutor. She particularly loves wool applique with a blanket stitch, but has found that there are not enough hours in the day for her to work through all the patterns and projects by hand, so has perfected the use of the sewing machine, which she gets to accept a perle 12 thread!

She also combines hand and machine work in projects – and why not?!

And do check out the stunning tumbler quilt in the background, made by machine with thousands of thimble size tumblers.

Sallieann can be contacted at for teaching assignments and she has a Facebook presence at:

Sallieann Harrison – Quilter.

Keep watching as she shares with us how to get the sewing machine setup plus a small wool project in the weeks to come.

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