Meet Alison Garner of Vision Textiles

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Meet Alison Garner of Vision Textiles

Alison makes a range of hand crafted Clergy Stoles and Preaching Scarves.

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All clergy stoles and preaching scarves are made to individual order by Alison using a mixture of hand embroidery, applique and machine embroidery.

She has 6 ranges with over 100 beautiful designs comprising a mixture of traditional and contemporary images.

Our premium ranges span 4 liturgical colours with over 80 designs:

  • White Clergy Stoles for Weddings, Baptisms, Christmas and Ordinations.
  • Green Clergy Stoles for Trinity and Ordinary Time.
  • Purple Clergy Stoles for Advent, Lent and Funerals.
  • Red Clergy Stoles for Pentecost and Saint’s Days

To find out more or place an order visit Alison’s own website.

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