Extra Quick & Easy Quilt for Charity by Valerie Nesbitt

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Extra Quick & Easy Quilt for Charity by Valerie Nesbitt

This quilt was designed as a result of the appeal for 5,000 to cover the Hampden Park Football Stadium for the Alzheimer Scotland Charity.


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Details of the Charity Appeal

This quilt has been designed as a result of the appeal made by Ann Hill for 5,000 quilts each 40″ square that is needed to cover the Hampden Park Football Stadium in Glasgow, and it is to help raise awareness of Alzheimer’s – which is such a dreadful illness and affects so many families. The quilts will be used both by the families themselves and for fundraising.

More about the Quilt:

This is a speedy and straightforward quilt; you don’t have to worry about the seam allowance – as you will be measuring and making everything fit!

The rotary cutter and trimming back is the secret of accuracy with today’s equipment.

Workshop Notes: click here

You can see other examples in the blog section of the site and some with lovely labels!

Featured in this video

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