More Tips on Knitting a Beret with Daphne Morris

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More Tips on Knitting a Beret with Daphne Morris

Daphne Morris uses her own design and double ended needles to make this beautifully warm beret.

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Inspired by a beret her goddaughter wears, Daphne has written this simple beret pattern.

Knitted in a West Yorkshire Spinners illustrious double knit it produces a very light warm beret.  Firstly Daphne shows how when knitting in the round, stitch markers are essential. Secondly she demonstrates how to use the stitch markers correctly.

Using a set of 5 or 6 double ended needles and knitting in the round saves on sewing up a seam. Moreover Daphne shows us how to bring the coloured threads up your work to save sewing in the ends.

A swirly pattern on the top of the beret is created by using a decrease stitch. Giving the quirky hand knitted design that makes  this beret personal to the wearer.

The video is a follow up to How to knit a beret by Daphne Morris.


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