Meet the Silk Route

Meet the Silk Route

The Silk Route have specialized in all things silk, so learn more about them and their products.

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The Silk Route run by Hilary and Geoff, have a wide range of silk to tempt you. The commercial dyed dupion silk has the best colour range but then they also stock the basic silk which is suitable for dyeing yourself.

They have sourced and selected many additional products to complement their wonderful ranges of Natural Silks and Coloured Silks.

Speciality items stocked include: Pure Silk Wadding, Silk Ribbons, Silk Threads Silk Rods, Silk Cocoons, Silk Throwsters Waste, Mulberry Bark, Silk Scarves, Silk Necklace Scarves, Autofade Pens.

You can find them at website, just click here.

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