An interesting little workshop in feltingmaking with Sue Pearl
Sue Pearl is a felt maker making felt art pieces for craft galleries and running felt making workshops in schools and in adult education centres as well as felt parties for children for Christmas and birthdays. She also gives lectures and talks with demonstrations on the incredible history and the craft of felt making. She has a very comprehensive DVD which is available through us, covering various style of feltmaking and projects.
Making felt is a very ancient craft skill. Felt is used in many places in the world for such diverse items as shoes, tents, carpet, fine clothing, art objects, hats and jewellery. It is such a versatile craft that it will lend itself to many different treatments and new uses for it are being discovered by a new generation of artists and craftsmen.
More about Sue Pearl
She is a tutor for Oxford Adult Learning and has her own felt making class schedule for classes run in my workshop at my home in Oxfordshire. To get more information on these please contact me on or go to my Studio Workshop
some of the friends that sue makes in class:
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