A great day was had on Monday filming new content for the site; we were joined by Myfanwy Hart https://www.myfanwyhart.co.uk/, textile artist and fabric dyer, who worked with her embellishing machine and a wonderful new product to texture fabric; Val Toombes of Silk Sacks www.silksacks.co.uk/ showed us how to make silk paper and also a delightful brooch, and Lynette Harris (our very own Stitch Witch) www.stitch-witch.org.uk did several small pieces to camera from folding tree decorations to designing your very own celtic pattern.

Jennie Rayment https://www.jennierayment.com was there too and we were treated to a new version of Double Wedding Ring (which I’m particularly excited about) as well as Rail Fence , inserting a zip into a cushion as well as finishing a cushion without a zip(!) – So lots to look forward to.

And behind the scenes!
